Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Unintended Resolution

My whole body is aching ouch!  Especially my hamstrings and triceps.  I just started a new exercise routine at a local Dailey Method.  Just registered last night when the admin lady claimed that January was the craziest time with all the new year's resolutions!!  I must say though that the lady didn't appear as if she was referring to me.  I didn't look like a resolution person it seems.
My first session proved to be fantastic.  First of all I biked to my class and felt very pleased with myself; it hardly was 40 degrees early in the morning.  The gym itself was rather bright and the music was upbeat even though it hardly had any cardio routine. But oh did it make your muscles work!  They claim that they make you leaner and taller through yoga and Pilates and Barre exercises.  I don't know about the "leaner" claim but I already feel I can sit up taller and walk upright again!
Most of all I had missed the gym environment and simply felt happy to be there.  The bodily challenges.  The sweat of labor.  The discovery of new muscles to tone.  I could do most of the challenging ones!  While trying to follow the routines I was occasionally looking at my face in the mirror that covered the wall on one side and after a long while liked what I saw.  My face had gotten rather pale as all the blood had concentrated on my cheeks.  I liked the determination beneath shivering muscles.
Right after I got home we headed south to San Luis Obispo.  I like it here. Not sure exactly why.  First time I came here I was pregnant with A; we were visiting from Toronto.  I had a day and a half all by myself to explore while M was attending interviews. I knew that for me it was not a place to live but I liked it otherwise.  Tonight I found the downtown area modernized a bit and revived. Nine years is long enough for a town face lift! I wonder where the kids who were attending Cal Poly back then are now.  Married. Kids. Working.  Then I wonder where the older grads are.  They all came and left; the school is still here and so is SLO.  Life must go on.

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An emigrant from an ancient civilization to North America, an engineer in marketing and management, a mom of working kind, who thinks when she talks, and who likes to write. I, L.B., own the copyright to the content.