Saturday, December 27, 2014

A Mommy Confession

It is in the middle of the night and I miss my kids so badly I want to wake them up from their sweet dreams and hug them and kiss them and tell them I love them infinity and beyond beyond.  I won't. But I want to.
It happens to me every night; a mommy's remorse.  It is after they are both asleep and the house is hushed under the untidiness that was tried to be tidied a zillion times through out the day.  It is when M and I are laying on the couch rightfully exhausted claiming the evening hour to ourselves, to watch a grown up's movie, to discuss some grown up matters, even argue some perhaps on some serious grown up subjects.  It is then when I remember how, while I was grating the gingers for dinner, my little m was clinging to my leg wanting to be held but I kept on grating.  It is then when I remember A started telling me one of his silly stories about the stupid mine crafter game he fancies so and I just said "aha" as if I were listening and now I wished I did listen. It is then when I promise myself that tomorrow I would hold m on any demand and I would listen to A attentively at all times.  It is then when I remember that I said the same thing to myself the night before and today was the tomorrow of last night and tonight I am promising a better tomorrow.  Tomorrow I will be a different person, God willing, enshala.

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An emigrant from an ancient civilization to North America, an engineer in marketing and management, a mom of working kind, who thinks when she talks, and who likes to write. I, L.B., own the copyright to the content.