Sunday, February 15, 2015

Tips for Flying with Toddlers

We took A to Europe, Canada, and Middle East at ages of 14 months young,  23 months, and 30 months. Little m has travelled across the nation at age 19 month.
Per our experience the toughest time to travel with kids is during toddlerhood.  Kids are walking now, they are completely mobile and completely autonomous and heedless. What a combination to confine in the limits of an airplane seat.  Again, because we travel a lot we try to enjoy the cheaper tickets for a toddler who doesn't need a seat ticket.  This makes for a crammed seating for the family.  Yet when we experienced with it we found our toddler not wanting to sit there. The only advantage of the seat was really extra space and less possibility of unwillingly bothering a neighbor with an unruly toddler.
The key to have a pleasant trip with a toddler is preparation again, in mostly a different manner.
What is a constant is taking care of ears. Please take a look at the posting on traveling with infants and make sure to read the suggestions for protecting ears.  Similarly, make sure to have your toddler swallow on milk or toddler friendly taffies and preferable nursing during take off and landing.

If possible, consider flights that take off during late afternoon and early evening when you know your toddler is happy to sleep.  On the day of your flight, even though you will be traveling soon and might be super busy at last hours, it is highly recommended to keep your daily routines prior to departure.  If possible take your toddler to the park so he can enjoy outdoor activities before being crammed indoors. A well fed and adequately exhausted toddler is willing to sleep during his regular sleeping hours even when flying.  Chances are that the humming sound of a moving plane will help with an earlier nap and sounder sleep.

What to pack in your diaper bag:
1) bottle and milk - pacifier - if you are nursing you might want to forego nursing blanket as toddlers are big enough to strategically cover you.  In addition, they usually resist being obscured and might fight the cover.  Even if nursing consider packing a bottle or sippycup for water to keep your toddler hydrated during the flight
2) jacket or blanket - the cabin ambiance is usually colder and a jacket or blanket will help keep the toddler warm specially while sleeping
3) snacks - pack some small servings of snacks, small fruit, small sandwich, and water - consider 3 kinds of snack for every hour of flight and anticipate delays especially when you need to remain seated while cabin doors are closed and flight services haven't started. It is a rare occasion but frequent and possible enough to be prepared for
4) diapers: one for every 4 hours of flight and a couple extra - the dry cabin air might keep your toddler drier than usual
5) extra sets of cloths for every 4 hours of flight and additional ones anticipating delays. Consider layers and comfortable pants
6) toys and books: a new toy for every 30 minutes of flight. It's better not to pack the favorites lest they might drop beyond access under the seat.  If the toddler is attached to a blanket or stuffed animal make sure to have a second best and keep the most favorite safely at home.  For longer haul flight we recommend the dollar section of department stores with a variety of books and small toys.
7) medicine: after consulting with your pediatrician pack pain killers and fever reducers just in case - some pediatrician's might recommend drowsy kind of antihistamines for longer haul flights to help your toddler sleep during the flight.  Make sure to counsel the experts if you are considering such remedies
8) moisturizer - the cabin air is dry and might cause dry patches on your toddler's skin.  After consulting your pediatrician you might want to pack a travel size baby moisturizer in your diaper bag
9) disinfecting wipes: for obvious reasons
10) extra ziplock: isn't this a parent's staple item?

If you are traveling with toddlers I hope you are traveling with at least one other adults.  Toddler can be very busy and tiring.  It's hard to keep the satisfied while trapped in long haul flights.  My worst memory of traveling with kids was when I took A to Halifax from San Francisco connecting in Boston when he was 23 months young.  It was indeed tiring and stressful.  Being rested prior to the trip was the key and keeping calm while unexpected happens.  I wish you understanding and even supporting flight companions cause that can absolutely ruin a flight.   Otherwise toddlers can be a joy to fly with considering their cheerful and curious personality. Enjoy your ride!

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An emigrant from an ancient civilization to North America, an engineer in marketing and management, a mom of working kind, who thinks when she talks, and who likes to write. I, L.B., own the copyright to the content.