Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Going Far

I feel scared.  I have to pull up a brave face yet I walk in and walk along feeling unsure.  I feel like paddling in dark waters.  I'm waiting for the sun to raise, to see myself on the other side of the darkness.  To have these days behind me rather than in front of me.
Then I think of all the good things.  That God will lead me as he has thus far. That I am not alone.  That my heart feels content because the strategy is thought-through and the intention is right; to support lives.  It is only a meeting after all. Unpredictable but can't go too bad.

En route to Kobe I just watched one movie: The Good Lie. It was beautiful and sad and hopeful.  Several many times it brought tears to my eyes.  I don't know why but people's distress and people's kindness melt my heart.
The story was about Sudanese refugees in early 2000.  How a group of kids became refugees, their parents killed, their siblings passed from dehydration while they walked in the desert toward the eastern border to find it dangerous and turn around and go to the opposite border and take refuge in a camp.
They made it to the USA. God bless those who help the scared and the poor!  In the civilized States they couldn't bare food wastes while back in their home people had to survive by eating just a fistful of grain that shall last for a few days.  Gosh, makes me wonder!  How wasteful are we in my house?  What to do about it?  How to help?
I hope to do something.  To donate money is satisfactory, to not close our door to those who ask for help. Yet I hope to also dedicate my time and knowledge to the poor and to the needy.  Enshala, one day.

"If you want to go fast go alone.
If you want to go far go together."
African proverb

Timely advice given all the (scary) meetings I have in front of me!
The Good Lie (2014) Poster

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An emigrant from an ancient civilization to North America, an engineer in marketing and management, a mom of working kind, who thinks when she talks, and who likes to write. I, L.B., own the copyright to the content.