Saturday, January 24, 2015

Life and Passing

Our next door neighbor passed away this morning. We learned that from our gardener who had seen a mortuary van parked in their driveway.  Later we saw several cars parked there and I got to talk to the wife's daughter who confirmed the story.  They were an old couple and the husband, God bless his soul, was sick yet still working.  I saw him every day going to work early in the morning riding his big truck. Now I won't see him ever again.  Even though I hardly ever talked to him I feel very sad.
If it were back home you could hear people's crying from next door.  If it were back home I would take a dish full of dates for them when I would visit to convey my regards and sympathy, may be would fill each date with a peace of walnut and garnish it with dried shredded coconut.  The idea being to take some sweetness to their house, to calm the bitterness and restlessness of the time a bit. But here, after consulting public forums on the web, I decided to bake them some muffins. We signed a sympathy card for them and will stop by tomorrow enshala.

How ironic that today I bought a sympathy card along with a baby shower card.  Life goes on I suppose.

I saw a picture that jolted me yesterday too. A friend sent me a picture of his late father along side a brand new car.  The father looked really young. Carefree as my friend had put it as the caption for the photo.  The car was an older model.  The young man looking happy, accomplished.  Now he is gone.  That carefree man who was proud of his purchase of a car one day is no longer among us.  I wonder what he was thinking on the day the picture was taken.  For sure never would've paused on the thoughts going in my mind now thinking of him and his thoughts back then.  He lived a nice life it seems leaving real humans as his children.  God bless his soul!

Life is. And then it is not!
And yet tomorrow the sun will rise again and a new day will begin, Enshala.

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An emigrant from an ancient civilization to North America, an engineer in marketing and management, a mom of working kind, who thinks when she talks, and who likes to write. I, L.B., own the copyright to the content.