Wednesday, November 21, 2007

bad, worse, and good

Every body is boasting about their family get together. I was jelous.

It gets worse: my colleague, Don, who is born in China, has a son just 5 months older than my son. Both himself and his wife work. And just today I found out about the care for their son: Don's father lives 2 hours from here. He stays with them for 2 weeks, taking care of the child, then he switches with Don's mother-in-law!! I am envious!

We are going to my cousin's sister in-law's for the thanksgiving night. She is the closest relative I have in the bay area.

And here is the good news: go home early. I am going to pick up my A and take him to the park.


  1. ای نمیمه شب قطبی، تو چراغ هر شش ماه یه بار می نویسی؟ خوبی؟

  2. Salam Nimeh Shab Jan:

    Akhay. You are my family, and I would have loved to have you in my humble home this past weekend.

    What you are experiencing is typical of many young people who emigrate to a new country. I remember how hard things were for us when we had first come to US, full of loneliness and homesickness. It took my family 30 years to finally partially gather in one part of the world. In time, you, too will have family members around you. Until then, I will be honored to be your family. You and M and A make me so proud.

  3. Nazy joon I am honored to be a part of your family :) We came home aroung 7 pm on Sunday, all tired, but happy. But we reminded ourselves about your party a few times and just by remembering it we felt the sweet taste of friendship :)

  4. بی نام جان کمی وقت ندارم و کلی ذهنم درگیره. ولی چشم! یعنی به روی چشمم :)


About Me

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An emigrant from an ancient civilization to North America, an engineer in marketing and management, a mom of working kind, who thinks when she talks, and who likes to write. I, L.B., own the copyright to the content.