Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Simple Scattered Truth

I met with friends in Toronto, and I learned, again, that how much I miss their presence in my life.  I love them how they are, no matter how they feel, no matter what changes they are going through, I trust them with their choices in their lives and don’t have any judgment reserved for them, I adore them.  And I feel I receive the same from them.  They love me how I am.  Period.  We can pick up conversations from where we left a year ago within a moment.  We can crack a joke so easily and yet shed a tear with each other remembering the remorse in our lives.  We can just have a cup of tea with each other and be.
I like the Dove chocolates very much, the creamy dark kind particularly, which is wrapped in red foils.  The foils have a saying inside which is fun to read; they can be as lame as “Calories only exist if you count them” to as philosophical as “It’s OK to be fabulous AND flawed!” which is written inside the one I just opened, while flying back to California.  I like the truth in the inevitable philosophy it carries.  Ironically it rhymes with the thoughts I shared in the previous post.  My embodied self is flawed but of course I don't feel proud of it.  Yet may be, may be, somehow, sometimes, it is OK.  After all, perfection is sought after but seemingly unattainable in this life.  May be it helps to focus on fabulous once in a while, for a change.


  1. I love the dove chocolates and the saying that go my way

  2. Yeah! I relate to that. I got a "take a moment for yourself" today while rushing around; it got me to literally stop for a moment!


About Me

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An emigrant from an ancient civilization to North America, an engineer in marketing and management, a mom of working kind, who thinks when she talks, and who likes to write. I, L.B., own the copyright to the content.