Monday, January 31, 2011

Scattered Political Thoughts

Once upon a time in a far far away land there was a king who had become a king after his father.  It was a monarchy.  He was governing the nation but  people realized they didn't want that leader, may be because he was too arrogant and yet too ignorant? He also was overlooking all the guns and that was deemed as too much power.  So they decided to overthrow him by any means what so ever.  And they did.  By protesting and finally making allies with the military.

Now the king was gone.  They had gotten rid of what they didn't want.  But, what now?

Oh, they knew what they didn't want but did they know what they wanted instead?

The joy of the achieved victory kept the nation together, satisfied, united.  They assumed they all wanted this.  After all, they had prepared the land for planting, planting a new government, a kind that was not monarchy... But somehow it did not stay like that.  There came the time for the differences to surface.  The differences in what they really wanted.  It was not the same thing any more!  At that moment whomever got to tether the military got to win the country.  It provided the power of demolishing the oppositions, those that their wanting were not in line with the newly appointed government's wantings; with the power of gun...

Now, in that far far away land, there is still the gun that rules.  The nature of the ruling power had not changed much actually:  Arrogance and ignorance plus power.

George Orwell has been a genius.  His 'Animal Farm' to me is indeed the psychology of a revolution, although he wrote it as a critic to Stalin's politics in Soviet Union.  I attest to it because I experienced it; in fact, I am experiencing it still.  All are "equal" at first, they all want that but then over the years some become  "more equal"!  I see the Napoleon and his 10 puppies who grew to defend him by all means when the need came up.  And Snowball, one of the first leaders who stayed committed to the nation, the one who wanted good for all at the beginning, was completely repressed.

Another note: I wont assume democracy will happen to a nation when there is no woman to be found in their vocalized demonstrations.  Not any time soon at least even if the current leader/president leaves.

Democracy is not transportable; it is not to be taught, it is not to be ruled.  Democracy blooms from the democrats.  As long as there are people who are "more equal" to the rest because of their gender I don't think it will happen.  As long as there are fathers who choose for their children, there are husbands who repress their wives, there are teachers who say and act as if the boys are always smarter and more successful than the girls, there are men who always blame the woman in any wrong done relationship, democracy is no where to be found!

Don't get me wrong.  I don't think democracy is the best way to govern a nation, not in all times at least.  But once I was told about Socrates believes about the philosophy behind different governing options in a society and based on that it was explained how in this time and era democracy is the best of the worst governing options.  I totally believe in it now.

I am sorry to repeat the famous quotation my dear readers but those who forget the past are damned to repeat it.
And the history repeats...

Once upon a time ...


  1. Not on facebook any more Somayeh joon, I thought I might be missing some pix. Glad to know there are some evidence of something more thorough than not going on if that's what you are referring me to.

  2. So the women joined today! Happy to know:)


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An emigrant from an ancient civilization to North America, an engineer in marketing and management, a mom of working kind, who thinks when she talks, and who likes to write. I, L.B., own the copyright to the content.