Thursday, January 27, 2011


Sitting in a super crowded star bucks sharing the tiny table with another lady, in the heart of the New York City.
Just arrived last night. It was snowing and lots of flights had gotten delayed or cancelled. It was so strange being in the hotel room last night. Reminded me of the cold snowy days in Toronto. It was amazing, the snow, for the first couple of snow falls but a couple months into it it just got too bounding.
I missed A badly last night I am not sure why. May be because his voice on the phone was too sweet it was heartbreaking!
It's quite strange to be in the city by myself today, adventurous may be, intimidating too. Just got separated from my colleagues. We had a couple very good meetings at Cornell this morning. Then had sushi at a Japanese place close to the hospital. The Starbucks I am in now is pretty close to the union square where I'm going to meet my cousin in half an hour.
There are piles of snow every where! And snow trapped cars and SUVs all around.
My flight yesterday went was ok after about an hour delay on the runway. I got to know a physician in the plane, Dr A.A. who was also an Interventionalist and knew many of our main customers. What was pretty strange and interesting about him was that he knew much about Iran so much so his character name in a game on his iPhone was Mossaddegh!
I'm excited to reunite with my cousin shortly. It's going to be her birthday in s couple weeks and I hope to be able to spot a gift for her on my 5 block walk I'm going to venture.


  1. Further note: my accompanying colleagues have been very nice and fun to be with. Not too fun, not too dry. Just good:)

  2. Hey Beautiful..

    Nice to knwo u r having a good time in NYC..always fun to read your travel adventures..miss u..RN

  3. Funny I was particularly thinking about you today while walking the city:) Liked your new years adventures around here. missed you too!
    When I have access to a real computer I'll rewrite some of the sentnces though. I can update on my iPad.


About Me

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An emigrant from an ancient civilization to North America, an engineer in marketing and management, a mom of working kind, who thinks when she talks, and who likes to write. I, L.B., own the copyright to the content.