Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Hike

We went for a hike on Portola Redwoods State Park to be among the dark green leaves that were inviting me yesterday. The first hour of the hike was merely a joke. We just stepped a few 100 feet. My A was fascinated with the woods, the wood sticks, pines on the ground, dirt, stones, river, ... . And was hardly moving. So after an hour of a somewhat idle walk we sat on a bench and had our lunch. After which we hikes another few miles but A was mainly carried by M and partly carried by me. It was lots of fun hiking with a 23 month old. And by the time we were sure we were the coolest parents to take our baby son for a hike in the woods there came a couple with an even younger baby in a shoulder carrier!
Oh! And yes! We are reaching that time of the year again: A's second birthday! He is growing up. Let's face it. He is going to be a grown man one day, God willing. He wont be "my" man then, or ever. He is always my A.


  1. چند تا کامنت اردی بهشتی-خردادی متعصبانه اینجا گذاشته بودم؛)آخرش به این نتیجه رسیدم برای گرفتن شیرینی تولد این مرد آینده شما بهتر است خیلی خاله گلی باشم و سکوت اختیار کنم مگر در زمینه تبریک گفتن پیشاپیش که صد البته وظیفه ماست

  2. salam
    man ham ye pesare kuchulu daram ke alan hodude yek salesh ast.
    I think it is ok if he will be your little man now, I think you can enjoy him as your little man. He is your son and always your little man even when he is grown up because by that time we would be middle aged and they would be still our little mans.
    isnt that fun?

  3. سلام خاله اردیبهشتی! از شما هرچه رسد نیکوست. حالا شما بگو تعصبه ما میگیم نیکوست. تولد خودت هم مبارک!

  4. Spring جان ممنون از پیغامت. ایشالا که ایم بر شما و پسر گلت به کام باشه.
    راستش جریان ازین قراره که من خیلی این پسری و سن و سالش رو دوست دارم و یه جورایی حیفم میاد که داره بزرگ میشه. واسه همین باس خودم رو دلداری بدم!


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An emigrant from an ancient civilization to North America, an engineer in marketing and management, a mom of working kind, who thinks when she talks, and who likes to write. I, L.B., own the copyright to the content.