Monday, September 24, 2007

New sandals

I bought myself a new pair of sandals with tiny heels. They are pretty practical, I can enjoy wearing them. There is nothing on the back to rub on the bruises, so hopefully my feet will get well soon. I have only two more band aids left in my purse. I always carry them with me, just in case. I might go shopping again tomorrow.

I just found that there are flamingos in the small lake in front of the hotel. They are pretty. I wish Arman was here to see them. He knows flamingo from the F page in the ABC game that he loves.

There is a colleague I met today, his name is Brian. We went to the mall together and he showed me the flamingos on our way out. Turns out that there are not only new shoes that lead you shopping while you are away from home, but sometimes you forget to bring your belt with you for example! It was nice having company going to the city, especially since I didn't know the streets and it was dark. I really don't like driving new places in the dark. To my credit though, I drove from Palm Spring airport to Palm Desert last night at 11:30 pm all by my own. Not a very fun drive, I should admit.

Brian was not shocked knowing that I was originally from Iran but to my surprise he thought I was funny. I never considered myself funny though, that was an interesting comment. But here is a funny story, may be the joke of the year as M put it:

I am back from the mall and it is around 9:40 pm, I had left my room a few minutes past 8 pm. I am in front of my hotel room and I remember exactly that I had turned off all the lights before I left. I insert the key, the light on the lock turns green. I step in the room and, well, there is a light in the room! I find my way forward past the bathroom door and the closet and there it is, the light by my bed is on! Then I see two bottles of water on my night stand! I am stunned! Then I realise that the blanket on my bed is flipped to the side and the remote is on the blanket! Now I am scared. And to add to the fishy situation, the TV closet is wide open! I am certain some one is/has been in my room trying to watch TV and sipping water. I look at the phone to call the receptionist, but what if the suspect is behind the curtain? The cordless phone is on a table by the window, so forget it. I just run out of my room, my sandals still in my hands, a bit angry and a lot scared. On my way to the elevator I look back several times to make sure no one is following me. I am in front of the reception desk waiting for some one to attend to this problem of mine. The lady behind the desk calls me. I am in front of her trying not to shiver. I tell her right on the spot that "I left my room two hours ago and now I found that there has been some one in my room!". -"Some one is in your room?" -"I don't know, I didn't look for any one, but some one has been there!" -"Are you sharing the room with any one?" (what a stupid questions) "No!" -"Is any thing missing?" -"I don't know, I did not check, I just ran out when I realized that my bed has been touched and there were two bottles of water on my bed side and the TV cabinet was wide open." -"That is the evening room service ma'am." "aah! really?!?#@" God! I am both relieved and embarrassed, but it is a nice laughter afterwards.


  1. :)) :))
    what kind of service is that?!!!

    It was an amazing story :))


  2. :)) Exactly Goli joon! The water and the menue was fine, but the remote on the bed and the TV cabinet wide open?! :) Any way, missed you dear, take care.

  3. Salam Nimeh Shab Jan:

    You said the story well, my dear! You must be staying at a nice hotel, because average hotels don't have that service, which is customary in Europe, though in Europe, they put two small pieces of chocolate on your pillows, too! I believe you are funny, too! And beautiful. And smart! I hope you will be home soon to be with your lovely family. I have missed you lots. Take care.


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An emigrant from an ancient civilization to North America, an engineer in marketing and management, a mom of working kind, who thinks when she talks, and who likes to write. I, L.B., own the copyright to the content.