Monday, July 11, 2016

The Language of Murder

Mass Shooting
Psychopathic Misbehavior
Hate Crime
Terrorist Attack
Suicide Bombing
Drone Targeting
Killing Robots
Self Defense

These are a few words added to my arsenal of English vocabulary thanks to the American news lately.  I am learning where one is used instead of another.  There are many considerations.  We first hear about a tragedy, then when the murdered identity, background, skin color, religion, origin, parents' beliefs, and a few other items are identified then the verdict is out.  I wonder, aren't these all horridly and simply "murder"?  Get simple please!  And factual too.  When an innocent life is taken away with no trial, no proven guilt, it is m-u-r-d-e-r.  Period.

Last week more lives were taken away by police.  A social activist said NPR radio on Friday afternoon: "it broke my heart when her daughter said 'I am right here with you'" and her voice cracked just a bit.  I read the fuller news today and my eyes welled with tears too.

I think to myself, I am living a good life.  Then I ask myself, am I?  I think to myself that I am living a secure life; then I dream (you read nightmare) of a mass shooting on the highway when I find myself sliding to the back of the car trying to hide my bulging tummy with a baby inside; I wake up all sweaty and shaken: What a wonderfully secure world we are living and growing our families in!

I read this other article about international travels this weekend: 
As a 1K frequent flyer I am full of advice myself but I like reading others' experiences too.  This article nicely summarized many good points. It was almost funny though where Ms Sawyer, the journalist, noted that she was flying out of NYC and in the next paragraph she says: "Whenever possible, I avoid airports layovers in sensitive territories. I would never fly to a country just bombed by terrorist groups. I avoid countries at war, with whomever.”  I know what she means, thinking Turkey and Belgium perhaps.  And I think to myself, did you not, my dear lady, just pay a "September 11th Security Fee" for your flight out of NYC?  I feel a tinge of bias or ignorance and such remarks in travel news casting baffles me. Tell me where is safe to travel to and from and through anymore.
My mom is travelling internationally and she was researching for a safe route.  I told her remorsefully that I was so afraid that there was no place safe left on this planet.  Due to my growing English vocabulary of:

Mass Shooting
Psychopathic Misbehavior
Hate Crime
Terrorist Attack
Suicide Bombing
Drone Targeting
Killing Robots
Self Defense

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An emigrant from an ancient civilization to North America, an engineer in marketing and management, a mom of working kind, who thinks when she talks, and who likes to write. I, L.B., own the copyright to the content.