Saturday, October 11, 2014

Me and Umm ... Me

I surprised myself.
I like it when I surprise myself.
I am sitting in the plane, munching on the soy sauce tasting rice, and no chicken blah, watching the very movie I didn't want to watch on my flight out, and this time wanting to watch it!
Not really! I know me enough to know I don't know me and anticipate me to surprise me.
I know you, my dear reader, are curios to know which movie it is. And indeed it is not Cool Hand Luke. Which by the way, the older lady sitting diagonal to me, who has a nice 70s make up on, who as soon as sitting down took out her comb from her purse and brushed the end of her done hair, who is wearing red in her 60s, started watching just an hour ago. Made me smile.
Oops! I just decided to take a picture of her back watching the movie and the flash went on. Embarrassing!
Now, I am curious to know what the guy sitting behind her is watching. He is a few centimeters behind me on the other side of the isle and I can't tell what he is watching. Earlier he gave me his Wall Street Journal when the flight attendant went right past me to him and got occupied with his neighbor lady. He then asked for another newspaper for himself of course. I don't remember how he looked like. It's rude to turn around now and just look at him. Isn't it? I recall him being young, may be younger than me, lighter hair may be jaw length.  And glasses.
And oh yes. I am watching this teenagers' chick flick movie called The Fault in Our Stars.
I like the name Hazel, which is the name of the main character, I like the actress, whom is Shailene Woodley , and the actor is just ok, meh.

Now, let's try again:
Flash off

PS: that teenagers' chick flick made me cry.
PPS: how bored one can get in a long flight all by herself?!!


  1. You are too funny! Post made me laugh and think about how bored one can be when by herself but hours later, it makes someone else smile and brighten their day. Good for you!

  2. Yeah! Happy it made you smile dear Anonymous :)

  3. ha ha ha , Leila khoda begam chi karet kone :)))
    chi kar dary be mardooommm bache !

  4. Goli golam nemidoooni cheghadr hoselam sar rafte bood....!!!


About Me

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An emigrant from an ancient civilization to North America, an engineer in marketing and management, a mom of working kind, who thinks when she talks, and who likes to write. I, L.B., own the copyright to the content.