Sunday, July 8, 2012


You left.  You just turned around and walked your drooping shoulders out of my sight.  I was watching you from the opening of the door, left wide open behind you.
I felt a pain in the middle of my chest watching you go.
I asked you to leave.  As simple as that.  And you left.  As simple as that.
I thought you would protest.  I thought you would be shocked.  I thought you would pick a fight.
But you just sighed, turned around, and walked out the door.
I thought you were in love.
The pain in my chest was blocking my throat.  I got up; and closed the door.


  1. He got a few feet from the door, stopped to think about what was happening, and turned around to find the door.......

    Great story, wondering if there was a second chapter in your head. Romance novelist:)

  2. An active imagination but no novelist. The door seemed very cold like an office door but the story changes if you imagine a castle door.


About Me

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An emigrant from an ancient civilization to North America, an engineer in marketing and management, a mom of working kind, who thinks when she talks, and who likes to write. I, L.B., own the copyright to the content.