Saturday, February 4, 2012

Materialistic Joy

I got up this morning humming.  When I traced back the reason for this sweet happiness I figured it could be because of what I saw when I opened my eyes: my new black BCBG maxi dress hanging from the door.
I know, it is too materialistic.  But when I told my dear R.N. she analyzed it as just being a girl, a lively fun-loving girl.  May be it is alright to enjoy a piece of clothing, not to need it for enjoyment but then cherish it while you can.
M has bought us a new sound system and an elliptical machine, and he has them installed last week while I was away.  So we have other materialistic additions to the house.  A is for sure experimenting with them a lot, of course I think it is the newness effect too.
Back to my dress, I think I need to shop for a new shrug or jacket as the top now.  Can't wait to wear it ha ha


  1. Nimshab, sometimes you can get what you want by focus, but sometimes you should just dream because external factors decide on what you can get. Sometimes we just get what society/universe gives us because of our background, out race, our appearence, our wealth, etc.

    Anyway, a great writer.

  2. BTW, Happy new BCBG maxi dress :) Wih you wear it in many happey events :)

  3. Indeed! Focus is only one factor and not all that is needed, there are many many many factors involved in what a person comes to be. Totally agree! And thanks for the beautiful wish! In addition to that I wish I can always fit in it, even if not for a temporary while. Cheers to that! ;)

  4. Oh and like the "dream" advice too; sometimes that is all we can do and that is something no one can take away from us.


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An emigrant from an ancient civilization to North America, an engineer in marketing and management, a mom of working kind, who thinks when she talks, and who likes to write. I, L.B., own the copyright to the content.