Saturday, December 10, 2011

A Few Last Days

Plan is to leave to visit family by mid next week.  I will be in The States for another five days in 2011.
I looked at the 2011 wall calendar, the holes were slightly torn.  Then I looked at the 2012 wall calendar in my hand, fresh out of the package all neat and clean.  I smiled.  It wont last for a year either.
It is beater sweet to travel this time.  I am thrilled to meet my family again and I cannot wait for my sunny son to rejoin the loved ones and feel the love again.  Seems like his share of it all is only a couple weeks a year.
Yet I am not so happy about leaving the Christmas holidays behind, missing this whole section of the culture.  I like the decorations and I was thinking that I like to try cooking some holiday special pastries one day, there were a few recipes at the end of "Working Mom" magazine.  A is also looking forward to receiving gifts from Santa Claus.  We have a little bit of decoration above the fire place with a large Christmas Tree candle on the mantle and we are planning to put up some lighting hanging from the roof this weekend, although we wont be here we like to be part of the crowd and showing that we too are happy about the birth of this holy prophet of ours.
I wish for peace on the earth.  Alas we seem to be walking further and further away from it all.  The hostilities are never ending, color, race, religion, gender, nationality, age, wealth, and the list goes on.  But I still hope.  And wish everyone to have a nice and happy rest of 2011.  I will miss it here!

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An emigrant from an ancient civilization to North America, an engineer in marketing and management, a mom of working kind, who thinks when she talks, and who likes to write. I, L.B., own the copyright to the content.