Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Voice of Love

M had bought us the tickets and I was skeptical if it were going to be a worthwhile night away from home.  I hadn't decided about what to wear until 30 minutes before departure; finally created a new outfit combination and the result was nice, at least M and I both liked it.  We got to the venue and got into our seats well before time.  As anticipated he didn't show up until 25 minutes past the advertised time.  The band started playing and there he entered the scene, singing as strong as he always sounds "you said don't wallow in nostalgia, oh how is it possible darling?  you never saw my misery, you never were around, just come by and see by yourself"
گفتی که دلتنگی نکن
آخ مگه میشه نازنین؟
حال پریشون منو
ندیدی و بیا ببین

And Ebi was singing right in front of us.  The whole audience was singing with him, word for word, but above all his voice was lovely!  Well above the sounds of any audience.  He is just magnificent!
Then he continued with another masterpiece:

برای باور بودن جایی شاید باشه شاید
برای لمس تن عشق کسی باید باشه باید
که سر خستگیهات و به روی سینه بگیره
برای دلواپسیهات واسه سادگیت بمیره

The words.  The voice.  I found myself whipping. These were the songs of my high school and university era.  These were the first meaningful love songs in our worlds.  I remember singing the songs with S.P. and SH.S. in the school yard at night once after the night prayer, sharing our first experiences with love, delving in the pain of growing up with our classmates.  Our little worlds had suddenly gotten so overwhelmingly big.  And our hearts had grown even bigger.

And this very first time I am at Ebi's concert neither of those friends are even reachable.  I am basking in his voice missing those classmates painfully.  I miss someone to confide in so dearly, to cry with, to sing with.  Damn the emigration!  And damn all that got us so far apart!

Ebi promised two and a half hours singing and he delivered.  He let us sing with him inviting us to fill the gaps he purposefully left blank in his songs.  And the whole audience was singing.  It was a nice evening filled with an amazing energy in the audience.  Ebi's voice equals the voice of love in my heart.

PS: I tried to translate the songs using google translate and doesn't deliver.
PPS: It was a worthwhile night away from home indeed!
PPS: A song from his most recent album; my imagination from the words differs deeply from the scenes of this clip but hope you enjoy the lyrics as much as I did!


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An emigrant from an ancient civilization to North America, an engineer in marketing and management, a mom of working kind, who thinks when she talks, and who likes to write. I, L.B., own the copyright to the content.