Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A Beautiful Mind

I am trying to sleep and my mind is full of work-related stuff. I wake up and first thing on my mind is? Job. Then I am at work and I am thinking about? Well of course, job! I am turning to a workaholic? Last night I tried thinking about Hooman joon not to think about job, and this morning I started writing my blog in my mind to force myself out of job-related hurdles and their thoughts.

There is a lot going on at work. On the positive side the yearly evaluation turned out to be really nice and I am happy. I am supposed to be louder though! And not too polite!

As you can see I decided to update my weblog whenever I can, even if it is when I am at work, so bear with me and my English story telling.

Arman is growing new passions, especially for truck, van, mini-van, bus, mini-bus, all of which besides train. There is a rail road track a few miles from where we live. If he hears the sound of the train whistle he gets all excited and tries to find it.

We go to park every day after I/M pick him up if it is not wet. Last night he was telling M what we did:
“park, sen baasi (playing in sand), taab abaasi, Arman sor sore, maamaan sor sore” …!!
Well, yeah, I was sliding down the slide with him.


  1. if you remember we have a slide in our playground,when my son was at the age of Araman I slided with him .once a lady told me "you are too small for this slide"
    it was fun so have fun

  2. Then you share my memories Narges joon :) Amazingly I have not received any comments yet, but looks, a lot, usually happy ones though, with a hint of smile :)


About Me

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An emigrant from an ancient civilization to North America, an engineer in marketing and management, a mom of working kind, who thinks when she talks, and who likes to write. I, L.B., own the copyright to the content.